Coarse Prefilter 3030

Metal Coarse Prefilter

Media Roll Filter

Coarse Prefilter 6mm

Fine Bag Filter

Rigid Bag Fine Filter

Carbon Fine Filter

Carbon Cartridges

HEPA Terminal Filter

Absolute Panel Filter

HEPA Classic

Air Filtersare vital today!
Air filters are necessary for a healthy life. The existence of clean healthy air in indoor spaces is vital! This is for the health of the population as a whole and especially of vulnerable groups. Firstly sick people, then babies, even children or mostly the elderly. It is absolutely necessary firstly to prevent the immediate spread of a virus and secondly to support people’s immune system. The result is that they will be able to withstand severe effects of an aggressive disease.
Controlled air quality is needed today more than ever!
Air filters ensure fresh indoor air. This is by removing harmful fine dust. Furthermore, the remove many other organic and even inorganic particulate matter. Therefore, they are protecting human health.
They also serve to keep the equipment itself clean and efficient. Firstly, are air handling units and secondly all other air circulation machines. For instance, fans among with heat recovery units.
The demands for more and more clean air are constantly increasing. At the same time, the need to reduce energy consumption and carbon dioxide emissions is increasing.
Thus, buildings are increasingly constrained by natural ventilation. This makes energy-efficient mechanical ventilation with air filtration and energy recovery solutions, more important than ever.
The importance of Air filters and Indoor Air Quality
Most people spend on average up to 90% of their lives indoors. This is not only at home, but also in many other places. Example is offices and schools. More over in restaurants and shopping malls , even in cinemas and theatres. Not to forget concert halls and hotel lobbies. Even big conference rooms and supermarkets.Therefore air filtration is vital for human health!
Exposure to air pollutants can be very danger. In air we may have dust and spores. Moreover can have bacteria and bad viruses even chemical compounds, etc. This has a direct effect on people’s immune system. Therefore, this can cause many harmful results. From simple allergies to serious cancers or even an epidemic such as COVID-19.
Here is our a presentation for Air filtration and Indoor air quality with following topics:
- Indoor & Outdoor Air Quality – Categories from WHO.
- European New Standards for air filters
- Choosing correct filters.
- Eurovent Energy Efficiency classification
- Covid-19 Industry Recommendations
- Air Purifiers & UV Lamps .