Heat Pumps
Vaillant Heat Pumps split type

Vaillant Heat Pumps

Vaillant aroTHERM VWL Plus

Vaillant aroSTOR for hot water

Vaillant aroTHERM VWL split

Vaillant Heat Pumps VWL Plus

Heat pumps Cosmogas Italy

FRYO heat pump from Cosmogas

All in one water heat pump

New R290 Heat pump JNOD

High efficiency heat pumps

All in one heat pump for hot water

What is a heat pump?
A heat pump is a device that transfers thermal energy from air to an indoor area. So, we use it for heating our premises. A heat pump can be used for cooling areas too. In this case it transfers heat from inside the building to the outside. Therefore, the result is cooling the building.
Why use a heat pump in Cyprus?
Firstly because of their very high efficiency. Secondly cause of the spread of the use of photovoltaic systems in Cyprus. They are working with electricity and a high performance (high COP – Coefficient of Performance-). With 1 kWh of usage of electricity energy, they can provide up to 6 kWh of thermal energy into the building.
How does heat pump works:
The whole process is based on the refrigeration cycle. In heating mode, a refrigerant at outside temperature is being compressed. As a result, the refrigerant becomes hot. This thermal energy can be transferred to a central heating system. After being moved outdoor again, the refrigerant is decompressed. It has lost some of its thermal energy and returns colder than the environment. It can now take up the surrounding energy from the air. Afterwards the process repeats
Few more advantages :
– The utilisation of natural, inexhaustible energy sources
– Emission-free
– Efficient: up to 75 per cent of the energy comes from the environment, only 25 per cent must be added in the form of electricity
– Can be used for cooling in summer
– Simple high-value technology with low maintenance and a long service life
Our brands for high-efficiency heat pumps: are Vaillant of Germany, Cosmogas of Italy, and JNOD of PRC.