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Domestic water treatment in Cyprus


Importance of water:

Human body contains a lot of water, with an average of roughly 60%.  Drinking water does more than just quench your thirst. Most of your body’s major systems depend on water to function and survive. Therefore, water keeps your body functioning properly and feeling healthy.


Water is essential for humans’ lives. However, it is not exempt from certain impurities that can severely affect their health. These impurities include dust, fine sand, clay, dirt, and biological contaminants. Similarly, many drinking water systems also contain chlorine, as well as high levels of calcium. The challenge is to remove or reduce contaminants and undesirable components so that the water becomes safe to be consumed.


To provide clean and healthy water, a range of different water treatment processes can be applied in both domestic and commercial applications. However, this report is focused on domestic applications and the solutions provided are the following.

Important Note: it is recommended to always use fresh municipal water.


Protection from unwanted particles:

We use Sediment Water filters: A filter cartridge is inside a case made of plastic or metal. It is used to remove soil, dust, stones, hair, and many other sediments. Typically, 80 to 20 microns water filters are used after the water meter. If the filter is installed outside then it must be opaque, to protect the cartridge. Direct sunlight on it can cause creation of unwanted organisms.

water filter


One way is to use Water Purifiers:  They usually consist of in-line filters.  Usually, the first filter is to remove sediment (5microns). The second filter which contains activated carbon is responsible to remove chlorine and other odours. More advanced systems consist of higher filtration rate purifiers with silver and even ultra-filtration cartridges (less than 5microns).

drinking water filters

  Another solution is installing a unit with Reverse Osmosis (RO): These systems have 4 or 5 stages of in-line filters, and they produce highest quality of pure water.  The process is similar as the water purifiers. However, an additional semipermeable membrane also known as RO membrane is used to remove any contaminants. This happens when pressure (usually by a pump) forces water on that membrane. As a result, filtered water flows from the more concentrated to the less concentrated side of the RO membrane. The result is clean healthy drinking water, while the water left over on the other side of the membrane is the wastewater and it is usually rejected in the drain.

    The RO system can be also equipped with an Ultraviolet lamp (UV) as well. These UV are used for water sterilization. It is an extra safety device that secures the production of healthy drinking water.  

reverse osmosis domestic unit



To make the water soft we need a Water Softener: Water softening helps prevent harmful mineral build-up in appliances like coffee makers, water supply pipes and bathtub. Hard water is water with high levels of minerals like magnesium and calcium. These devices can remove the calcium and magnesium ions from your water through a process called ion exchange softening the water and giving it better taste. By using a water softener, you can save energy. Reason is that all heating elements will stay clean and boil the water faster. Your sanitary ware will stay clean from scale , and finally you can save a lots of detergents.

water softener








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